Critical Race Theory (CRT)
What is it?
Critical Race Theory is a modified version of Marxism (named after Karl Marx in the mid 1800's). While fundamental Marxism was founded on a narrative of division by encouraging people to separate themselves from certain aspects of society based on biology, social attachment or economic status, Critical Race Theory uses race as the dividing mechanism. CRT assumes that race is the most important facet of one's identity and that those of a particular race are, in fact, victims of some sort of societal injustice perpetrated upon them.
Critical Race Theory is primarily based on the deliberate misconception that people differ in life outcomes because of systematic structural inequities instead of personal individual differences.
Where did it come from?
Though the groundwork for CRT was laid in the '60s, it wasn't until the writings and activism of Derrick Bell in the '90's when the concept of Critical Race Theory became popular. The term 'Critical Race Theory' was officially coined in 1989.
In addition to Derrick Bell (Harvard University), others responsible for the creation of CRT include Richard Delgato of Seattle University Law School and Jean Stefancic of the University of Pittsburgh Law School. Since CRT's origins were ultimately born and nurtured in American universities and institutions of higher education, it's not surprising then that the main principles of CRT (especially the 'victim mentality') have gradually made their way into our public schools.
How can you spot it?
This is easier than most would like to believe. When race is asserted as a social construct and not a biological component, you will find the dangerous underpinnings of CRT. When children are taught that, because of their race, they are owed or entitled to special privileges, you will discover CRT hard at work.
Critical Race Theory Deep Dive
What can be done about it? Get Involved.
1) Run for your local school board, city council or relevant committee.
2) Propose new policies or alter existing ones that eliminate childhood indoctrination (flag, sexual education & survey policies are perfect for this approach).
3) Report on the state of education in your local school. Capture videos of indoctrination in the classrooms, take photos or make copies of propaganda, including flags, posters, surveys and flyers and share with other parents/caregivers who may not be aware of what is happening in your school district.
4) Engage with like-minded communities across social arenas to share information/build awareness.
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